Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not Having a Car and It's Cold Outside

I have sort of mentioned this in previous posts, but let me be perfectly clear:

If I didn't live in a warm sunny place like San Diego, I would have invested in another car.

Although the average temp in San Diego is 70 Degrees, December is still cold, and it also does get dark early. As much as I love riding my bike, and reaping the benefits, I also enjoy being alive, and I feel riding my bike in cold temps, in the dark, is tempting fate.

So I have been riding the bus.

Let me tell you something, I used to be EXTREMELY anti-Public Transportation. So much, in fact, that when I visited NYC on my 21st birthday (yeah, that happened) I wouldn't even go on the subway. I walked, or took a cab.

When I lived in Sacramento the Public transit system from the suburbs was relatively terrifying.

The few times that I attempted it, I was accosted, verbally abused, and almost mugged. So, I had good reason to be wary of getting in a sardine can on wheels.

I finally got over my issues, and for the last Month+ I have been riding to and from work on the San Diego MTS bus and it has actually been more fun that not. I like to keep to myself when alone and in public so I cant say that I have met a lot of interesting people, but I can say that I have observed a lot of interesting people, and the decisions that they make while EVERYONE is watching.

Like, the nice young couple, and their two toddler-aged children. Due to an event in the area traffic was pretty stop-and-go. Since the bus was moving at a slow pace than usual, I believe this couple felt safe in letting their older daughter stand and move around a bit. She was very well behaved, and not at all a nuisance, and I think that some of the other people in that area of the bus, myself included, though she was adorable. Though I should remind you, as someone should have reminded her parents that a bus is still a MOVING VEHICLE, and sure enough, the bus picked up a little more speed and then had to hit the breaks at a light, and the poor kid went flying through the air. She wasn't hurt very badly, didn't hit and steps or sharp corners, I think it probably scared her more than anything, but that did not stop her from sending out an earsplitting wail. The father picked her up immediately and was also smart enough to encourage his small family to depart at the next exit.

There was also the man who decided that rolling a joint at the back of the bus was a good idea. Now, trying not to get into the whole Legal/Political/Just Say No issue, I just want to say that regardless of stand point I feel safe in saying that rolling a doobie, in public, in front of 3 high school football players (I know this because they were wearing football jerseys that said San Diego High School on them) is probably not the best idea. Nobody really said anything, but could say the glances from the other passengers to each other that went from Shock, to Awe, and then to humor, as the bus hit the breaks and this mans magazine with its contents on the top fly through the air. The man seemed very unmoved by this. He picked up the magazine and tried rescuing his stash from his lap, the bus seat, and yes, even from the floor. At this point I exited the bus, so I am not sure who the rest of this task played itself out, but I couldn't help laughing to myself as I walked home.

Though, the most recent of events happened while I was waiting for the bus home last week. Standing at the stop with my headphones in, a lanky man walked up to me and started talking. I removed my headphones and said "Excuse me?" He repeated himself "Do you want some razors?" and then he held up a package on Mach3 disposable razors. He thanked me and then walked around to some of the other people and I watched as the all seemed startled and also turned him down. He then rounded back to me AND ASKED ME AGAIN. I didn't even take my ear buds out since I knew he was asking the same question, and holding up the razors again. I got on the bus almost dead last, and I saw the gentleman again as he was sitting in one of the front seats. He continued to ask every person that filed passed him. I completely ignored him as I walked by, though.

I wonder if those razors were any good.

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