Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So, I have been pouncing around San Diego these last few months in various forms, be in by bike, on foot, the bus, or accompanied by those near and dear. All this time, I have had a small nagging in the back of my brain.

I had decided that I need to get RID of my car a long time ago, but I knew that there would be humps and bumps along the way. I parked "Petunia" in what I thought was a safe spot, and she hung out there for the better part of two months. I thought it wouldn't be long, all I needed to do was 1.) Pay off my car, 2.) Receive my title, for proof of ownership, 3.) Donate the beast for nice tax write off. Easy as pie, right?

Well, it would have been that simple if there wasn't laws in place that prevented me from doing such things. Apparently leaving your car on a public street for longer than 72 hours is prohibited, and you can get your car towed at your expense (of course), which, of course happened on the exact same date that I paid my car off.

after several grueling, ulcer-inducing days of back and forth calls between the County of San Diego, My mother, The City of San Diego, The tow yard where my car was being held, and a very concerned and helpful trio of Best friend, Boyfriend, and Brother, we sprung my car from the clink with most of the damage centralized on my wallet.

That day it became clearer that my car was on its last leg. It sputtered to a parking place and for the next few weeks I would move it to a new location knowing that this may be the last time that it started, everyday checking my mail box for that title, that was sure to be coming.

well, yesterday morning, my title finally came in the mail. I immediately contacted a donation facility and as of this morning, its gone.

It's bittersweet I guess. I'm actually more glad that I didn't have it ripped away from me. I was able to grow to dislike my car, and see it as a nuisance so ultimately the only thing that feels good is having it taken away. I guess if it was easier I might have just opted to get another car. But then I would have less knowledge of my fair city.

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